JCT contracts 2016—reference copies

This document contains searchable quick links to PDF copies of the JCT 2016 standard form contracts. For our full selection of materials on the JCT 2016 contracts, see subtopic: JCT contracts 2016.

For schedules of amendments for some of the JCT 2016 contracts listed below, see Practice Note: JCT contracts—Schedules of Amendments.

  1. • JCT contracts 2011—reference copies
  2. • JCT contracts 2005—reference copies
  3. • JCT contracts 1998—reference copies
  4. • FIDIC contracts—reference copies
  5. • CIOB contracts—reference copies

Design and Build

  1. • JCT Design and Build Contract (DB) 2016
  2. • JCT Design and Build Contract Guide (DB/G) 2016
  3. • JCT Design and Build Sub-Contract Agreement (DBSub/A) 2016
  4. • JCT Design and Build Sub-Contract Conditions (DBSub/C) 2016
  5. • JCT Design and Build Sub-Contract Guide (DBSub/G) 2016
  6. • JCT Design and Build Contract 2016 – Contract Administration Model Forms


  1. • JCT Standard Building Contract With Quantities (SBC/Q) 2016
  2. • JCT Standard Building Contract Without Quantities (SBC/XQ) 2016
  3. • JCT Standard Building Contract With Approximate Quantities (SBC/AQ) 2016
  4. • JCT Standard Building Contract Guide (SBC/G) 2016
  5. • JCT Standard Building Sub-Contract Agreement (SBCSub/A) 2016
  6. • JCT Standard Building Sub-Contract

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Jurisdiction(s): United Kingdom
Key definition:
JCT definition
What does JCT mean?

The Joint Contracts Tribunal who produce a suite of building contracts for use as a standard industry form

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