For resources and the latest information about highway use tax (HUT), see Highway use tax, visit (search: HUT), or subscribe to our Highway use tax email topic. To get Form MT-903, see Form MT-903, Highway Use Tax Return, or visit (search: mt903).
You can file Form MT-903 online using HUT Web File! It’s the fastest, easiest way to file a HUT return and make a payment. Benefits include:
To get started, log in to (or create) your Business Online Services account. For more information, see Highway Use Tax Web File or visit (search: HUT).
You must complete and file Form MT-903, Highway Use Tax Return, if you:
If you had no activity in New York State for this period, you must still file a return. See No-tax-due return for instructions.
If you are permanently discontinuing your business for HUT purposes and filing a final return, see Final return.
If this return amends a previously filed return, see Amended return.
Note: Some vehicles are excluded or exempt from HUT.
You must file a HUT return and pay tax due on a quarterly basis starting with the calendar quarter when you began operations in New York State, unless notified by the Tax Department of a different filing requirement.
After filing quarterly for a calendar year, your filing period may change based on your total HUT liability for the preceding calendar year. The Tax Department annually reviews your total HUT liability for the preceding calendar year and will notify you if your filing frequency requirements have changed.
If your total HUT liability for the preceding calendar year was:
These filing thresholds are effective for taxable periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022. For taxable periods beginning prior to January 1, 2022, see Form MT-903-I (5/16), Instructions for Form MT-903 Highway Use Tax Return.
Form MT-903 is due the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday (visit and search: holiday), the return is due on the next business day. We use the postmark date as the filing date for returns and payments sent by mail.
Filing period | Due date |
January 1 through December 31 | January 31 of the following year |
Filing period | Due date |
January 1 through March 31 | April 30 |
April 1 through June 30 | July 31 |
July 1 through September 30 | October 31 |
October 1 through December 31 | January 31 of the following year |
Filing period | Due date |
January 1 through January 31 | February 28 or 29 |
February 1 through February 28 or 29 | March 31 |
March 1 through March 31 | April 30 |
April 1 through April 30 | May 31 |
May 1 through May 31 | June 30 |
June 1 through June 30 | July 31 |
July 1 through July 31 | August 31 |
August 1 through August 31 | September 30 |
September 1 through September 30 | October 31 |
October 1 through October 31 | November 30 |
November 1 through November 30 | December 31 |
December 1 through December 31 | January 31 of the following year |
Mail Form MT-903 to:
PO BOX 15166
ALBANY NY 12212-5166
See Publication 55, Designated Private Delivery Services.
Almost exclusively means 90% or more of a motor vehicle’s monthly New York State laden miles, whether operated alone or in combination, are used in the month to transport:
Carrier includes any person having the lawful use or control, or the right to the use or control, of any vehicular unit in this state.
Gross weight means:
Gross weight does not include the weight of the driver and any helpers. For a tow truck, it does not include the weight of any vehicle that is being towed partly or wholly upon the towed vehicle’s own wheels. Gross weight of a flatbed tow truck must include the weight of the heaviest vehicle being transported on the bed of the truck.
Laden miles means miles traveled in a vehicle with a load or any part of a load.
Motor vehicle includes any:
Public highway includes any public highway, street, avenue, road, public place, public driveway, or any other public way. It does not include toll-paid portions of the New York State Thruway.
Unloaded weight means the actual weight of the motor vehicle, including:
Unloaded weight does not include the weight of the driver and any helpers.
If you are permanently discontinuing your business for HUT purposes and filing a final return:
If this return amends a previously filed return:
If you only need to report an address change, the fastest and easiest way is online. Visit our website (see Need help?) and select the option to change your address. You can also complete Form DTF-96, Report of Address Change for Business Tax Accounts, and attach it to your return. To change any other business tax account information (as well as your address), file Form DTF-95, Business Tax Account Update. If you need either form, or any other form, visit our website.
If you had no activity in New York State for this period:
If you had activity but do not owe tax because your mileage is being reported by another or your vehicle is exempt:
Enter in the appropriate boxes:
Do not report mileage traveled:
Mark an X in the gross weight method or unloaded weight method box to indicate the method you are using to calculate your HUT due with this return (and all other returns for this calendar year).
When you file your first return for the calendar year, you must choose one of the following methods to calculate your HUT for the duration of the year and for every vehicle:
You cannot change the method during the calendar year.
Choose the method that works best for your business operations. One method may be more economical or convenient for you.
If you choose the gross weight method, you must use it for every truck and tractor with a gross weight of more than 18,000 pounds operating on New York State public highways during the reporting period.
Under the gross weight method, you may calculate your tax using either:
You must use the same option for all trucks and tractors included on your return.
If you use the heaviest weight option for a reporting period, you cannot use a different option if you later file an amended return for that reporting period.
If you choose the unloaded weight method, you must use it for the following vehicles operating on New York State public highways during the reporting period:
Using the schedule instructions, directly below, for your chosen filing method, complete Schedule 1, Schedule 2, or both on page 2 of the return to calculate the amount of tax due. Report all weight in pounds.
Schedule 1 is used to calculate the tax due on all miles you traveled in New York State for the reporting period—except those miles:
Schedule 2 is used to calculate the tax due on the mileage of trucks and tractors—excluding the miles traveled on the toll-paid portion of the Thruway—that are used almost exclusively in the month to transport:
You may use Schedule 2 to report mileage only for three or fewer trucks or tractors. If you have more than three trucks or tractors to report on Schedule 2, report all mileage on Schedule 1.
If you use your truck or tractor for another purpose for more than 10% of the motor vehicle’s New York State laden miles during any month, report all mileage traveled in New York State (except the toll-paid Thruway mileage) on Schedule 1.
Track your laden miles monthly, even if you file quarterly or annually, because you may need to report mileage on each schedule.
Example: Carrier A files quarterly. If Carrier A uses a truck almost exclusively for one month for a Schedule 2-use, and the next month uses the same truck only 50% of the time for a Schedule 2-use, Carrier A must divide the mileage according to the monthly use and include the truck on both schedules of their quarterly return.
Provide the current certificate number of each truck and each tractor you operated on New York State public highways during the reporting period in the following order:
Do not include on the list:
Note: If you are listing a vehicle on both Schedule 1 and Schedule 2, be sure to allocate the mileage to the appropriate schedule so you are not taxed twice or at the wrong rate.
Enter the gross weight shown on the certificate for each vehicle in column A—except:
Enter the unloaded weight shown on the certificate for each vehicle listed in column A, except a truck-trailer combination if both were unladen. In that case, enter the unloaded weight of the truck plus the unloaded weight of the heaviest trailer drawn by the truck.
Enter the total laden taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by each vehicle in column A. Include miles for excluded vehicles when used in a non-excluded manner.
Enter the total unladen taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by each vehicle listed in column A.
Follow the instructions directly on Schedule 1 to calculate the total tax due from the vehicles and mileage reported on Schedule 1.
List the current certificate numbers of motor vehicles used almost exclusively in a month covered by this tax return to transport boltwood, logs, pulpwood, wood chips, or bulk raw milk on New York State public highways if you operated three or fewer of these vehicles in the month.
Enter the certificate number of a tractor twice if:
Enter the certificate number of a truck twice if:
Enter the gross weight shown on the certificate for each vehicle listed in column J—except:
Enter the unloaded weight shown on the certificate for each vehicle listed in column J, except a truck-trailer combination if both were unladen. In that case, enter the unloaded weight of the truck plus the unloaded weight of the heaviest trailer drawn by the truck.
Enter the total laden taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by each vehicle listed in column J.
Enter the total unladen taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by each vehicle listed in column J.
Follow the instructions directly on Schedule 2 to calculate the total tax due from the vehicles and mileage reported on Schedule 2.
List the current certificate numbers of the trucks and tractors with the heaviest gross weight, and the trucks and tractors with the heaviest unloaded weight you operated on New York State public highways during the reporting period. Consider only the trucks, tractors, trailers, and other attached devices you are reporting and paying taxes for.
List certificate numbers in the following order:
Do not:
Enter the gross weight of the following motor vehicles listed in column A:
Enter the unloaded weight of the following motor vehicles listed in column A:
Enter the total laden taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by all vehicles in each category listed in column B.
Enter the total unladen taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by all vehicles in each category listed in column C.
Follow the instructions directly on Schedule 1 to calculate the total tax due from the vehicles and mileage reported on Schedule 1.
List the current certificate numbers of the following motor vehicles used almost exclusively in a month covered by this tax return to transport boltwood, logs, pulpwood, wood chips, or bulk raw milk on New York State public highways if you operated three or fewer of these vehicles in the month:
List the certificate numbers in the following order:
Enter the gross weight shown on the certificate for each vehicle listed in column J—except:
Enter the unloaded weight shown on the certificate for each vehicle listed in column J, except for a truck-trailer combination if both were unladen. In that case, enter the unloaded weight of the truck plus the unloaded weight of the heaviest trailer drawn by the truck.
Enter the total laden taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by all vehicles in each category listed in column J.
Enter the total unladen taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by all vehicles in each category listed in column J.
Follow the instructions directly on Schedule 2 to calculate the total tax due from the vehicles and mileage reported on Schedule 2.
List the current certificate number of each truck and tractor you operated on New York State public highways during the reporting period in the following order:
Do not include on the list:
Note: If you are listing a vehicle on both Schedule 1 and Schedule 2, be sure to allocate the mileage to the appropriate schedule so you are not taxed twice or at the wrong rate.
Enter the unloaded weight shown on the certificate for each vehicle listed in column A.
Enter the total taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by each vehicle listed in column A.
Follow the instructions directly on Schedule 1 to calculate the total tax due from the vehicles and mileage reported on Schedule 1.
List the current certificate numbers of trucks and tractors used almost exclusively in a month covered by this tax return to transport boltwood, logs, pulpwood, wood chips, or bulk raw milk on New York State public highways if you operated three or fewer of these vehicles in the month.
List the certificate numbers in the following order.
Enter the unloaded weight shown on the certificate for each vehicle listed in column J.
Enter the total taxable (non-Thruway) miles traveled in New York State by each vehicle listed in column J.
Follow the instructions directly on Schedule 2 to calculate the total tax due from the vehicles and mileage reported on Schedule 2.
Enter the amount of total tax from Schedule 1, line 16.
Enter the amount of total tax from Schedule 2, line 24.
Enter the amount of any prior HUT overpayments. Do not enter more than the amount on line 1c.
Note: You may apply any unused portion of your prior HUT overpayments against any HUT, penalty, or interest you owe within four years from the date of the overpayment. For a refund of HUT overpayments, file Form DTF-406, Claim for Highway Use Tax (HUT) Refund, separately.
If you are filing your return late, not paying the full amount due, or both, you owe penalty and interest. Interest rates are adjusted quarterly and compounded daily. You can estimate your penalty and interest using our Penalty and Interest Calculator (visit and search: penalty), or call and we will estimate your penalty and interest for you (see Need help?).
Enter the penalty amount on line 4 and the interest amount on line 5.
Enter an amount on this line only if you are amending a previously filed return and marked an X in the Amended return box. Enter the total amount you paid, including any penalty and interest, with your previously filed return.
Subtract line 7 from line 6, then enter this amount. This is your total balance due.
If you do not file your return and pay all tax due on or before the due date, we may send you a bill that includes all applicable penalties and interest.
If your balance due is a negative amount for this reporting period and you would like a refund of your HUT overpayment, you must file Form DTF-406, Claim for Highway Use Tax (HUT) Refund, separately.
Sign and date the return, and enter your official title, telephone number, and email. Only the taxpayer or an authorized agent may sign the return.
If anyone other than an employee, owner, partner, or officer of the business is paid to prepare the return, see Paid preparer’s responsibilities below.
Under the law, all paid preparers must sign and complete the paid preparer section of the form. Paid preparers may be subject to civil and/or criminal sanctions if they fail to complete this section in full.
When completing this section, enter your New York tax preparer registration identification number (NYTPRIN) if you are required to have one. If you are not required to have a NYTPRIN, enter in the NYTPRIN excl. code box one of the specified 2-digit codes listed below that indicates why you are exempt from the registration requirement. You must enter a NYTPRIN or an exclusion code. Also, you must enter your federal preparer tax identification number (PTIN) if you have one; if not, you must enter your Social Security number.
Code | Exemption type | Code | Exemption type |
01 | Attorney | 02 | Employee of attorney |
03 | CPA | 04 | Employee of CPA |
05 | PA (Public Accountant) | 06 | Employee of PA |
07 | Enrolled agent | 08 | Employee of enrolled agent |
09 | Volunteer tax preparer | 10 | Employee of business preparing that business’ return |
See Tax preparer and facilitator registration and continuing education (search: registration) for more information about the tax preparer registration requirements.
If you are licensed under the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA), you must pay the New York State fuel use tax on your IFTA report filed with your base jurisdiction.
However, you must file Form MT-903-FUT, Fuel Use Tax Return, to report and pay your fuel use tax obligation if:
If gross weight method was marked, use Tables 1, 2, and 3. If unloaded weight method was marked, use Tables 4 and 5.
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
18,001 | 20,000 | 0.0084 |
20,001 | 22,000 | 0.0098 |
22,001 | 24,000 | 0.0112 |
24,001 | 26,000 | 0.0126 |
26,001 | 28,000 | 0.0133 |
28,001 | 30,000 | 0.0140 |
30,001 | 32,000 | 0.0147 |
32,001 | 34,000 | 0.0154 |
34,001 | 36,000 | 0.0161 |
36,001 | 38,000 | 0.0168 |
38,001 | 40,000 | 0.0175 |
40,001 | 42,000 | 0.0182 |
42,001 | 44,000 | 0.0196 |
44,001 | 46,000 | 0.0210 |
46,001 | 48,000 | 0.0224 |
48,001 | 50,000 | 0.0238 |
50,001 | 52,000 | 0.0252 |
52,001 | 54,000 | 0.0266 |
54,001 | 56,000 | 0.0280 |
56,001 | 58,000 | 0.0294 |
58,001 | 60,000 | 0.0308 |
60,001 | 62,000 | 0.0322 |
62,001 | 64,000 | 0.0336 |
64,001 | 66,000 | 0.0357 |
66,001 | 68,000 | 0.0378 |
68,001 | 70,000 | 0.0399 |
70,001 | 72,000 | 0.0420 |
72,001 | 74,000 | 0.0455 |
74,001 | 76,000 | 0.0490 |
76,001 | 78,000 | 0.0518 |
78,001 | 80,000 | 0.0546 |
80,001 and over add $0.0028 per ton or fraction of a ton |
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
7,001 | 8,500 | 0.0084 |
8,501 | 10,000 | 0.0098 |
10,001 | 12,000 | 0.0112 |
12,001 | 14,000 | 0.0126 |
14,001 | 16,000 | 0.0133 |
16,001 | 18,000 | 0.0140 |
18,001 and over add $0.0007 per ton or fraction of a ton |
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
18,001 | 20,000 | 0.0084 |
20,001 | 22,000 | 0.0098 |
22,001 | 24,000 | 0.0112 |
24,001 | 26,000 | 0.0126 |
26,001 | 28,000 | 0.0133 |
28,001 | 30,000 | 0.0140 |
30,001 and over add $0.0007 per ton or fraction of a ton |
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
8,001 | 9,000 | 0.0056 |
9,001 | 10,000 | 0.0070 |
10,001 | 11,000 | 0.0098 |
11,001 | 12,000 | 0.0112 |
12,001 | 13,000 | 0.0126 |
13,001 | 14,000 | 0.0140 |
14,001 | 15,000 | 0.0154 |
15,001 | 17,500 | 0.0168 |
17,501 | 20,000 | 0.0196 |
20,001 | 22,500 | 0.0252 |
22,501 | 25,000 | 0.0308 |
25,001 and over | 0.0378 |
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
4,001 | 5,500 | 0.0084 |
5,501 | 7,000 | 0.0140 |
7,001 | 8,500 | 0.0196 |
8,501 | 10,000 | 0.0252 |
10,001 | 12,000 | 0.0350 |
12,001 and over | 0.0462 |
If gross weight method was marked, use Tables 6, 7, and 8. If unloaded weight method was marked, use Tables 9 and 10.
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
18,001 | 20,000 | 0.0060 |
20,001 | 22,000 | 0.0070 |
22,001 | 24,000 | 0.0080 |
24,001 | 26,000 | 0.0090 |
26,001 | 28,000 | 0.0095 |
28,001 | 30,000 | 0.0100 |
30,001 | 32,000 | 0.0105 |
32,001 | 34,000 | 0.0110 |
34,001 | 36,000 | 0.0115 |
36,001 | 38,000 | 0.0120 |
38,001 | 40,000 | 0.0125 |
40,001 | 42,000 | 0.0130 |
42,001 | 44,000 | 0.0140 |
44,001 | 46,000 | 0.0150 |
46,001 | 48,000 | 0.0160 |
48,001 | 50,000 | 0.0170 |
50,001 | 52,000 | 0.0180 |
52,001 | 54,000 | 0.0190 |
54,001 | 56,000 | 0.0200 |
56,001 | 58,000 | 0.0210 |
58,001 | 60,000 | 0.0220 |
60,001 | 62,000 | 0.0230 |
62,001 | 64,000 | 0.0240 |
64,001 | 66,000 | 0.0255 |
66,001 | 68,000 | 0.0270 |
68,001 | 70,000 | 0.0285 |
70,001 | 72,000 | 0.0300 |
72,001 | 74,000 | 0.0325 |
74,001 | 76,000 | 0.0350 |
76,001 | 78,000 | 0.0370 |
78,001 | 80,000 | 0.0390 |
80,001 and over add $0.002 per ton or fraction of a ton |
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
7,001 | 8,500 | 0.0060 |
8,501 | 10,000 | 0.0070 |
10,001 | 12,000 | 0.0080 |
12,001 | 14,000 | 0.0090 |
14,001 | 16,000 | 0.0095 |
16,001 | 18,000 | 0.0100 |
18,001 and over add $0.0005 per ton or fraction of a ton |
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
18,001 | 20,000 | 0.0060 |
20,001 | 22,000 | 0.0070 |
22,001 | 24,000 | 0.0080 |
24,001 | 26,000 | 0.0090 |
26,001 | 28,000 | 0.0095 |
28,001 | 30,000 | 0.0100 |
30,001 and over add $0.0005 per ton or fraction of a ton |
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
8,001 | 9,000 | 0.0040 |
9,001 | 10,000 | 0.0050 |
10,001 | 11,000 | 0.0070 |
11,001 | 12,000 | 0.0080 |
12,001 | 13,000 | 0.0090 |
13,001 | 14,000 | 0.0100 |
14,001 | 15,000 | 0.0110 |
15,001 | 17,500 | 0.0120 |
17,501 | 20,000 | 0.0140 |
20,001 | 22,500 | 0.0180 |
22,501 | 25,000 | 0.0220 |
25,001 and over | 0.0270 |
Weight (lbs.) | Rate ($) | |
Greater than or equal to | Not more than | |
4,001 | 5,500 | 0.0060 |
5,501 | 7,000 | 0.0100 |
7,001 | 8,500 | 0.0140 |
8,501 | 10,000 | 0.0180 |
10,001 | 12,000 | 0.0250 |
12,001 and over | 0.0330 |
Miscellaneous Tax Information Center: | 518-457-5735 |
To order forms and publications: | 518-457-5431 |
Text Telephone (TTY) or TDD equipment users | Dial 7-1-1 for the New York Relay Service |
New York State Law requires all government agencies that maintain a system of records to provide notification of the legal authority for any request, the principal purpose(s) for which the information is to be collected, and where it will be maintained. To view this information, visit our website, or, if you do not have Internet access, call and request Publication 54, Privacy Notification. See Need help? for the Web address and telephone number.
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